We return to normal flippin’ with a word I reckon we can cover pretty quickly.
referee (noun)
Who likes a referee, really? Unless it’s someone you’ve put down on your CV, it’s usually a person whose decisions can make it or break it for the individual or team you’re cheering on and they are ALWAYS biased against your peeps! Or so it seems.
Of course, a referee is not simply a sports related thing; it’s a person who is charged with the responsibility of settling a matter or overseeing that the rules are upheld in such a way that an outcome is achieved fairly. Kind of a mini-judge, just without the gavel or robes.
At the end of the argument, the game, the case, someone wins but it usually isn’t the referee – either one or both of the participants will resent the referee. In saying that, though, if both parties are unhappy, a referee has usually done a good job. At least, an objective and fair one, because everybody’s equally happy. Yay! Compromise.
So, I conclude that a referee can be defined as:
1.) A person to whom something is directed, especially for decision or settlement; arbitrator; umpire; universally hated; drinks every night but with two glasses set out to simulate friendship.